Writing Background

I began to write in 2003. In that year I began to job share in order to have more time for printmaking and instead found myself writing a novel. I had previously started a novel at the age of seven but was overcome by writers block after the first page and though I always dreamed of writing stories I never knew how to begin the business of being a writer. When I put the first words on the page in 2003 ideas came streaming out and I have been writing ever since. I enjoy reading my work at open mics and festivals and in 2008 began to write short humorous pieces for music and writing sessions in my local pub.

​My first short story won the Cecil Day Lewis short fiction prize in 2004 and since then I have been long and shortlisted in many other competitions. I was honoured to be shortlisted for a Hennessy award in 2014 for the short story ‘A Perfect Prayer’, and I was thrilled to win first prize in the inaugural James Plunkett short story award run by the Irish Writers Union in October 2013 for my story ‘The Peace of Evening ’.

​In June 2013 I was selected by Kildare County Council Arts office for The Cecil Day Lewis Emerging writer award. I have previously won the humorous essay prize in Listowel, have been selected for the ‘Lonely Voice’ readings in the Irish Writers centre, and my story ‘Woman Walking on Nassau Street’ has been professionally recorded as part of ‘Stories for the Ear’ Volume 1 from Kildare County council Arts office..

​Over the past few years my focus has been more on developing longer pieces. I started a novel during the lockdown in 2020 and am working on editing it.

Writing is an important part of my arts practice. Getting the words on the page is difficult at times but I find great joy in words and ideas and stories.

Published work

‘Tryst’.   short story.  ‘Do the Write thing’ winners anthology. Poolbeg press 2007

‘Tick – Tock’: Winners anthology, Listowel Writers week 2008- humorous essay

 ‘The Cave’: Humorous essayCensus 1’ anthology 2008.

‘Woman walking in Nassau St’: Short story. ‘Census 2’ 2009

‘Woman walking in Nassau St’ chosen and professionally recorded for ‘Stories for the Ear’ volume 1 2009. Kildare County Council Arts office.

‘Walking with Another’: Short story ‘Census 3’ Anthology  2012- Seven Towers.

‘Boy on a Window Ledge’ : Short story Crannog literary magazine March 2013.

 ‘A Perfect Prayer’: Short story published in New Irish Writing, Irish Independent, March 2013

‘At The Water’s Edge’ Winners booklet, New Roscommon Writing Awards December 2014

‘Snapshots’ published in ‘Long Story Short’ 2015 - Snapshots’ Long Story short Literary Journal

‘Filling the Well’  Opinion piece Roscommon Herald 2015.

‘Sometimes’ poem. Flare I The Sunflower sessions Autumn 16

‘Waiting’ poem. Flare 2 The Sunflower sessions Winter 2016 -2017

‘Boy on a Window Ledge’ Anthology of Contemporary writing 2018, Roscommon County council,

‘Forbidden Fruit’ short fiction. 2021 Autumn leaves, Roscommon Co. Council Arts office

‘Forbidden fruit’ – A Word in your Ear, New Roscommon writing Anthology 2019- 2023



2016 Awarded month long residency at Stiwdio Maelor, Corris Wales, also in 2018, 2019 and 2024

2016 awarded two week residency at Tyrone Guthrie Writers Centre, Annamakerrig

2019 two week residency in Cill Rialig Artists Retreat, Ballinskelligs, Co. Kerry

2014: ‘A Perfect Prayer’ shortlisted for a Hennessy award

2014: ‘Keeper of the Keys’ long and shortlisted ‘Over the Edge- New Writer’ competition, Galway

2014: ‘At The Water’s Edge’ runner up prize in ‘New Roscommon Writing Award’.

2014: ‘The Peace of Evening’ longlisted  ‘WOW’ award, Galway

2014: ‘Every Little Thing’ shortlisted Jonathan Swift awards, Saggart

2014: ‘Snapshots’ accepted for publication in Long Story Short online journal in 2015

2013: Awarded Cecil Day Lewis Literary Bursary for emerging writer by Kildare Co.Council

October 2013: ‘The Peace of Evening’ Ist prize, James Plunkett award: Writers Union

2013: ‘Waiting’ longlisted for a WOW award.

2013: ‘Freezing Raspberries’ longlisted Over The Edge

March 2013 ‘A Perfect Prayer’: selected for New Irish Writing, Irish  Independent,

2012: ‘Love and chocolate’ shortlisted Jonathan swift Saggart.

2012: Boy on a Window Ledge’ long and shortlisted Over the edge, Galway.

2011: ‘Boy on a Window Ledge’. Selected by Nuala Ni Conchubair for ‘Lonely Voice’ readings in the Irish Writers centre (read end January 2012)

2010: ‘Waiting’ long and shortlisted in Over the edge New Writer of the year competition.

2009: ‘Woman walking in Nassau St’: chosen for ‘Stories for the Ear’ by Neil Donnelly for K.C.C.

2009:  ‘Snapshots’ long listed in Fish short story competition

2007: ‘Tick – Tock’ winner of humorous essay section Writers week originals Listowel

2007: ‘Tryst’ selected as runner up in RTE/ Poolbeg competition ‘Do the Write Thing’

2004:  ‘Tryst’ short-listed to last ten in internat. section of British ‘Real Writers’ comp.

2004: ‘No More Flowers’ won first prize in short story ‘Cecil Day Lewis’ Literary competition